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Brekizer 09-29-2017 04:44 PM

Forum Participation
exactly the title.

I love d24t.com but all photobucket pics are dead and there aren't a lot of users online on this forum.

what's going on :(?

why is it going dead? Can someone explain this to me and maybe to the mods/admins so there can be done something about it.

would be nice, this site is the best d24 information source on the internet, don't let future d24t drivers down :(

anders 09-29-2017 06:33 PM

I'm not sure why it's so dead now, there was a lot more action years ago. I think most are on Facebook D24T group. I'm a "member" there but I like the forum format so much more..

Brekizer 09-29-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by anders (Post 12192)
I'm not sure why it's so dead now, there was a lot more action years ago. I think most are on Facebook D24T group. I'm a "member" there but I like the forum format so much more..

same here, I don't really like Facebook.

ngoma 09-30-2017 05:52 PM

Brekizer what would you like to see more of on the forum? Requests for problem solving? Showing projects and improvements? More marketplace? How-tos?

Trying to find out where we might direct our efforts.

I too was a victim of photobucket terms change, now searching for a suitable replacement but looks like it will require a lot of tedious work no matter what.

Currently my 745 is out of action. Snapped a headbolt trying to remove the head for a headgasket change. Maybe I'll start a thread to see what suggestions you all have.

Brekizer 10-02-2017 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by ngoma (Post 12197)
Brekizer what would you like to see more of on the forum? Requests for problem solving? Showing projects and improvements? More marketplace? How-tos?

Trying to find out where we might direct our efforts.

I too was a victim of photobucket terms change, now searching for a suitable replacement but looks like it will require a lot of tedious work no matter what.

Currently my 745 is out of action. Snapped a headbolt trying to remove the head for a headgasket change. Maybe I'll start a thread to see what suggestions you all have.

Basically everything, this whole forum is one of the better oldschool style forums I know, and now nothings happening anymore.

I do think if the photobucket issue is fixed then things people will come back on the forum more (everybody loves pics)

And offcourse the howto's, you join a forum in search for knowledge :p

v8volvo 10-07-2017 11:54 AM

Part of the problem is that the registration process for new users has been slow as a result of a forum software flaw in recent months. That may have reduced the number of new members joining and starting discussions. This was recently fixed with a software update. More new members may help activity on the site.

Fortunately, many of the long-time forum members that have shared large amounts of knowledge are still around and participating frequently. The forum is indeed an excellent reference due to the info folks have added in the past that is still accessible, and I think there will continue to be activity and valuable information shared as time goes on. The site is not going anywhere.

If anyone has any changes to suggest to improve the site, please feel free to contact an admin anytime. Additionally, it always helps keep the discussion going if experienced members start threads of their own to update the status of their projects or share new information or experiences.

Unfortunately the picture hosting problem is one that we can't solve since it has to do with an external host. The forum does have a built-in photo hosting option that members may want to consider using in the future as a way to avoid this type of problem.

Brekizer 10-08-2017 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by v8volvo (Post 12204)
Part of the problem is that the registration process for new users has been slow as a result of a forum software flaw in recent months. That may have reduced the number of new members joining and starting discussions. This was recently fixed with a software update. More new members may help activity on the site.

Fortunately, many of the long-time forum members that have shared large amounts of knowledge are still around and participating frequently. The forum is indeed an excellent reference due to the info folks have added in the past that is still accessible, and I think there will continue to be activity and valuable information shared as time goes on. The site is not going anywhere.

If anyone has any changes to suggest to improve the site, please feel free to contact an admin anytime. Additionally, it always helps keep the discussion going if experienced members start threads of their own to update the status of their projects or share new information or experiences.

Unfortunately the picture hosting problem is one that we can't solve since it has to do with an external host. The forum does have a built-in photo hosting option that members may want to consider using in the future as a way to avoid this type of problem.

I know, about the photos being offline,
With mentioning that I hoped that some users would re-upload the pics.

Curious to see an update :)!

ngoma 10-09-2017 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Brekizer (Post 12205)
...I hoped that some users would re-upload the pics.

Not that easy. I started to do that with my posting on front crossmember cracks and ran into the 5 attatchments per post limit. Still trying to find a workaround but still very time consuming.

neilsontom3000 10-20-2017 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Brekizer (Post 12191)
exactly the title.

I love d24t.com but all photobucket pics are dead and there aren't a lot of users online on this forum.

what's going on :(?

why is it going dead? Can someone explain this to me and maybe to the mods/admins so there can be done something about it.

would be nice, this site is the best d24 information source on the Internet, don't let future d24t drivers down :(

I was going to a write up on a head re-build i'm currently doing on my 940, but given the few visitors etc it's perhaps not worth it, however perhaps the remaining band of folks who still stop by here could help with a little issue....during dismantling of aforementioned cylinder head, I decided for ease of access/disassembly, to cut the glowplug copper busbar at plugs 5/6 I thought i could easily replace or make a new one etc, I went with the latter and have made some up with some 8AWG single copper core marine grade cable, however I can't for the life of me recall how it connected up previously beyond plug 6, and have managed to misplace the copper bar that came off. I see thin(ish) cable at the rear of the block with a female end spade connector, I assume the busbar somehow would have attached to this, albeit I don't seem to remember disconnecting this, also does the bar somehow engage the temp sensor at the rear of the head....any help appreciated, or in the unlikely event that someone may have a photo of this even better, Cheers.

ngoma 10-20-2017 09:44 AM

Would a photo of the rear bussbar help? It DOES NOT connect to the temp sensor.

Suggest you start a new thread in section Diesel Engine and Drivetrain. Better than having this specific technical discussion hiding in a forum comments/suggestions thread.

neilsontom3000 10-22-2017 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by ngoma (Post 12235)
Would a photo of the rear bussbar help? It DOES NOT connect to the temp sensor.

Suggest you start a new thread in section Diesel Engine and Drivetrain. Better than having this specific technical discussion hiding in a forum comments/suggestions thread.

A photo of the rear bussbar would be fantastic if you could, cheers.

ngoma 10-22-2017 06:53 PM

Ok, I will watch for your new thread in section Diesel Engine and Drivetrain and add the photos there.

CRB 11-06-2017 10:59 AM

FaceAche is making a lot of forums slower; the expectation of instant answers is a prime reason, I believe. This same concern has been aired on BrickYard.
I joined FaceCloth last year and find that I am not visiting proper forums as much, even though the quality of technical posts is far better. There is also a greater respect for the platform, with no idiotic posts, meme wars and crudeness, all of which I can do without.

Regarding PBket and their despicable action, I use Chrome and have an add-on which allows me to view and save the images which are not visible.

The governor modification thread was the reason for finding something which worked. It is not ideal but it works for me; lots of saving images.

As long as D24s are around, someone will be here to read what is posted which i expect will be a long time hence.

ngoma 12-22-2017 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Brekizer (Post 12191)
I love d24t.com but all photobucket pics are dead...

Finally a fix (for Firefox and Chrome browser users)! :D


ngoma 12-22-2017 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Brekizer (Post 12191)
I love d24t.com but all photobucket pics are dead...

Finally a fix (for Firefox and Chrome browser users)! :D


BluevanACD2005 01-11-2018 08:35 AM

The forum being slow seems to happen to the handful of forums I participate in. I think the issue is the topics are somewhat of a niche. The other forums are an Electronics Forum, and a Jet/Turbine Forum.

I'm not a big fan of Facebook, haven't been on there in over a year and a half.


Uberhare 02-07-2018 03:43 PM

Unfortunately everyone is slowly migrating to facebook. It is a terrible format for searching archived data or specific information. Everything is thrown at you single file with all the crap you don't care for. I don't think either of my teenagers even know what a "forum" is.

CRB 02-18-2018 12:03 PM

I must admit Uberhare, that FaceAche is the main venue these days, but as you say and i completely agree, it is useless for finding the right thread.
I have just spent twenty minutes looking for something I know I posted; no results.
Unfortunately, the current mindset of 'I want answers NOW with as little work, input or research as possible' pervades.

BrickYard, as you know too, is heading the same way sadly; though regular visits help.

The proper technical articles will always be in forums such as this, and that is the way it should be.

I have not spent the time I should have over the last year or so on proper forums but seeing what has been posted is always worthwhile.

RedArrow 03-21-2018 09:48 AM

Fall-Winter & Spring-Summer
When the diesel Volvos are dead, the forum is active;
When the diesel Volvos are healthy, the forum is dead.

DieselScout 06-26-2020 07:50 PM

Even the couple of D24 Facebook groups are pretty much DOA.
I'm just assuming the D24 is becoming more rare each passing year.

v8volvo 06-26-2020 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by DieselScout (Post 13877)
Even the couple of D24 Facebook groups are pretty much DOA.
I'm just assuming the D24 is becoming more rare each passing year.

That's good to hear the Facebook groups are pretty slow too. I always imagined discussions shifting there were the main reason things were growing less busy here. Glad to hear those groups aren't succeeding at our expense and are in fact in the same boat.

I just posted the below in another thread, but I'm going to paste it here too since I think it's relevant to this discussion:


I don't think it's that dead, really. It's true that sometimes we go a few days or a week without much discussion on here (that may just be because everyone's cars are running with no problems during that time :p). But when a question does get asked, even today there is still an active conversation that occurs in response to it. There are a number of helpful and knowledgeable members who do a great job about making sure people find the info they need when they need it. I think that's the bottom line qualification for a well functioning forum. Clearly when members want to talk to each other on here they still do so, successfully. We all hope that continues to be true into the future.
In short I think the proclamations of death are premature. We're still here talking about the forum and the cars, aren't we? Living proof! :p

As for the underlying reason for declining activity we have certainly seen, to be honest I have noticed the same thing on other automotive forums focused on affordable and practical type cars similar to the ones we talk about here. TDI Club is another example -- it focuses on cars that are much, much newer and more plentiful than these old Volvos, yet it too has suffered a great decline in activity. So although the ever-decreasing number of the cars is undoubtedly part of it, there's definitely more to it than that.

My personal theory on why? Mainly it's about fuel prices, IMO, as well as the increasing prevalence of extremely long term auto loans on brand new vehicles that makes them appear affordable even if in reality they are not a great financial proposition. At a time when fuel was not so cheap, people got excited about neat old cars like these diesel Volvos, and TDI cars also, that could be satisfying to drive and well built and versatile, yet got a lot of miles out of a gallon. Now that the picture has changed, those advantages are not as widely sought anymore. The people who might have gotten interested in such a vehicle then, and eventually found their way to a forum like this one or TDIClub or others, are now tempted instead by low monthly payments on something brand new off the lot that is advertised on its high seating height and modern infotainment systems, but doesn't make much mention of fuel economy. And part of the temptation of course is that they will not need to touch it with a wrench or spend their time asking questions on a forum like this one... Just make the monthly payment.

Arguably there has also been a decline in the general desire of folks to get involved in the workings of their stuff, not just their vehicle. I gather that many other hobby forums on completely different topics have also seen falling interest. Maybe people just are less interested in spending their time this way now, for whatever unknown reason.

The good news is those of us who still do appreciate these kinds of old rigs, and having an understanding of them, get to be considered an exclusive group. :D

jpliddy 09-12-2020 01:06 AM

a great forum
i find this web site a great help in keeping these cars on the road
with out it there woud be a lot fewer the people who manage it and give there
honest advice are a credit to it .keep up the good work
regards jim

dahicori 11-25-2020 12:04 AM

Your point of view is 100% right v8volvo. But I think we can add another point, which is the power of pure conformism. Ridding an old car, it does give one some kind of charisma, but it also exposes one to make himself ridiculous. Even if my car runs great (ok, that does not happen every time) it will always look funny to the eyes of most people .

As if people's psychology were not able to make a distinction between the fact to have an object you like and all the speculations that surround that fact : to them, riding a D24 is beeing some kind of strange guy stuck in an passed world, a passed aesthetism.

v8volvo 11-25-2020 09:29 PM

As we continue this thread, I have edited its title from "Why is this forum dead?" to "Forum Participation" instead.

Having a thread about the forum being dead repeatedly show up on the forum's main page, as the first thing new visitors see, probably doesn't do anything to help it stay alive. We don't want it to be a self-fulfilling prophecy!

dahicori, I agree with your post. And there's a flip side to some of those things. Lots of folks -- maybe experiencing conformism as you say -- may be concerned with how they "look" in their vehicle and are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get the look they want, with a new vehicle, rapid depreciation, high repair cost, etc. By comparison, those who don't/can't care too much about that get the benefit of saving an enormous amount of money. ;) And if we are driving something we like, who cares about the look anyway?!

Plus despite all the folks who might find driving an old vehicle to look ridiculous, there are also a few who will believe it looks more interesting or see it as a sign of a shared philosophy. Meeting and having interactions with those people, like we do here, is part of the fun, no? :cool:

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