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Old 07-21-2018, 04:13 AM
RedArrow RedArrow is offline
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Default Removing unnecessary d24 d24t parts from our engines

Im glad you posted this thread. I had my engine washed recently and it felt good ... and looks good too. I mean, it looks just a little better. ...but....
Decluttering under the hood is something I definitely should do too. Especially the engine harness that needs to be properly remade from scratch. Grrrrrr!$×@+%_(;!!!!

About removing parts.
The egr is not necessary and actually an outdated crap according to many professional vw dieselers who regularly post here. Remove or at least disable it. Many get rid of the mechanical fan and rotor etc too.

Also the preheat hose between the airbox and the engine, could go. Entire ac system if not in use or unwanted, compressor, hoses, tubing, radiator and wiring etc. Many remove the entire aurbox but I left it intact, i dont like the look of cold air intakes and such. Always kept trying to keep my Volvo stock looking under the hood.
But often certain parts&accessories get in the way of regular maintenance or repairs of common d24 issues...or they are completely unnecessary to have (bad design, out of order and problematic parts such as waxstat coldstart device etc).
I have seen Volvos with the power steering disabled or removed just because it didnt work well or was leaking. And crowds gather nowdays around engine bays that have been "shaved". One day there will be a d24 or d24t seen fully shaved at a car show, freezing people by showing how old school the inline 6 vw looks, no sensors no computers, no real need of wires etc
Would be fun! Ideas on what to remove are always welcome. I have seen already several d24t cars running without rear and front belt cover but that is something I am against a lot, "because interference" there is a strong reason they have to be protected as much as possible. Not just anything can be removed because then you have to redesign plenty of stuff! And because stock d24s are very enjoyable already. )

Here I would like to ask about another "big thing" that I keep wondering about. It is the system of the d24t oil cooler where the coolant runs into a housing on the turbo side.
Many, including Tom B, a respected diesel rebuilder and collector/rebuilder/engine enthusiast, say or believe that it is absolutely meaningless , whatsmore, harmful to the d24t engine to have it. I think I read that somewhere and I think* it was him saying it.
Is there anyone here that suggests/prefers the oil cooler and its hoses etc removed from a d24t engine for safety reasons?

I always think that parts that arent exactly worn/broken/bad/malfunctioning etc should remain untouched until there is a real problem with them.
What does the d24t community think of its design and is there anyone out there who runs their d24ts without it?
Removal of the coolant hose running along and across the valve cover could add some clean look for sure.

Last edited by RedArrow; 07-21-2018 at 04:17 AM.
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