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RedArrow 02-26-2015 06:46 PM

Fresh hard-start issue
Details can be found in the video which has no picture, only the sound. Crappy.

RedArrow 03-07-2015 04:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is reaming really needed? (in the rear two cylinders, definitely NOT,lol)


745 TurboGreasel 03-08-2015 12:39 PM

not usually, and the link to your video didnt' work for me.

v8volvo 03-08-2015 09:13 PM

Yeah, the video doesn't come up on that link -- what's the symptom, exactly?

If it's starting hard, could also be air leaks in the pump: especially since you already know it's seeping fuel, I'd say that is a definite possibility. Might be worth doing some fuel-delivery diagnosis and testing the plugs too -- not much fun changing them if they don't need it!

RedArrow 03-17-2015 08:07 PM

Moto `GP`:)
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by v8volvo (Post 9650)
what's the symptom, exactly?...
not much fun changing them if they don't need it!

Hi Forumers,
Sorry for the delayed answers.That link to my youtube video isn't working for some reason.
Video shows how badly car started.
Here`s a few things I`d like to mention… + symptoms + the fix+ results, in details.

I was very surprised when the hard-start happened for the first time! I had to crank a lot to get it started.
This car always started for the very first crank before.I actually never heard it cranking, always fired right up. Even after multiple days sitting on coldest Winter days.The hard-start issue did come suddenly `out of the blue`.It did not develop slowly. Perfect starting into shitty starting. Fast.
After i tried a few short crankings that didnt make it roar up,I thought I should check GP relay and its wiring.Also thought that fueling issues just popped up or inj pump probably started losing prime overnight,letting air get in...
Inspection starts...
General things, a few facts:
Injector lines were all dry,no fuel leaks,no loose connections.I also tightened the fuel filter just a bit.Also the bleeder screw.Checked for air in transparent fuel line (nothing there),hose tight at both ends (although hardened a lot).No air traveling through that line,no bubbles visible before or after start-up.
IP normally does look `wet` and leaks some but no issues so far (not leaking badly).
Fuel filter never really clogged before (still replaced on a regular basis,Bosch),fuel tank is clean,fuel is clear always,topped up.In-tank fuel pump tested,working (just in case).No biofuels used,no gelling possible. I was wondering can it be a clogged filter due to my first time use of fuel additive/diesel injector cleaner???? Not long before the issue started. idk...i have the proper Bosch fuel-filter,not older than 2-3m, but i have 3300miles on it by now.

Fueling issues being put aside (for now)…

My glow plug facts:
Never had to double cycle them (serious Winter here in NY area, often was -10-15C for days) for the perfect cold-start. But. Not touched (never been out) for nearly 3 years.

Winter Glow-time was my usual 9-12 seconds.Issues started when Brick suddenly wanted 3 long crankings to start! Wow. This time I decided to cycle plugs a few times (but it was never needed before). Initial glow-time was circa 10sec, light comes on and goes away.Battery NOT dead, plugs didnt/dont stay on longer than they have to.
Looked like it had NO further issues AFTER she has started. Just ran perfectly.Re-started for the very first crank in no time. Hard-starting became an everyday thing! Minutes & 2-3 looong cranks were needed to get her roar up. :( shit. Probably getting worse too.
Important to mention here that:
I had no issues of power loss.No idling issues.No throttle response issue. no excessive smoke.no black, no blue, no white.Just my regular 20-30sec `healthy` diesel smoke that I always get after car sits (cold). Timing is right, smoke screw&IP not played with at all. No recent fixes/changes OR repairs or anything such to blame.

Struggle-starting did* sound a bit like a `no-fuel-issue`. IP is wet but not leaking badly so again,
My next guess&hope at that point was a faulty glow plug.Or two.Or…
We had VERY bad cold days here, sometimes -10 for many days.Started car every day!Perfectly exploded into life,every time.Ran fine, daily used. What`s up now?GPs got tired?

Project started. Ordered the proper (best) 80010 Bosch GPs to start with.(Please don’t use bs plugs,your D Brick will love you for it)

New heat shrink tubing for the bus bars,anti seize and a variety of wrenches,makeshift reamer+tools ready for action. Including me. Fighting them out from behind the IP.:) #5&6 was a bitch, as always. It took a while with frozen hands.What a body torture! At least the 740 hood goes up 90degrees.
Removing the rear belt cover helped a lot. Also the method using the bus bar for tricking the last one in/out.
I didn`t test the plugs prior to removal (We had a very nice sunny day with substantially higher temps. so I had a chance to experiment a bit: tried if it starts easier,cycled GPs 3times...Good happy results because it did start quickly which did confirm some sick GPs. ) I decided simply getting all 6 new plugs in, then test old ones later.Engine got warmed up for the service,battery disconnected, tools ready,cover off SO the fun began! Great not to remember how much time it took to find&fish out those `lost` idiot bus-bar nuts from behind the filter housing,etc.:) Let`s jump in time. No plugs were stuck or corroded,they came out nicely. All plugs in now,connected,battery in,a few check-ups of things/wires/tools/belt/towels/etc near&on engine,…then…the healthy sound of truth.
This sexy-baby happily fired right up,as it should!! The following day proved success again. No starting issues, no cranking whatsoever.

New facts about old plugs: 3 of 6 were unresponsive=totally dead. I think it started with 2 going out first, then a few days later another one just decided to retire. 3 of them tested great (one of those were #6).Idk whether additive in fuel (octane booster) caused this or not (burns at higher temps?). Strangely it could still be started.

I will include a few pictures to show the game for those who still reading…: ) The famous rear view of glow plug #6...

I have a question for the pros. I read a lot about antiseize on these plugs. I did use one. The COPPER type. I hope I did not make a bad selection. I did not use much and only where it should be. I noticed there was grey antiseize on threads (by PO) If you all say I should have used another type of antiseize, I`ll take a deep breath,a beer then redo this game with another brand. I read a lot about relation of copper-aluminum-steel-etc. Please share a few ideas.
My point was that using antiseize (any type) is better then using none. I hope copper will not affect much, nor harm my alu head in the long term (or short?) : (
Thank you

RedArrow 03-17-2015 08:56 PM

2nd part with pix
5 Attachment(s)
I added more pictures

v8volvo 03-20-2015 01:45 PM

Great that that was the fix! About the right lifespan for plugs, so good thing that you went for it and changed them. Sounds like it is back to 100%!

ngoma 03-20-2015 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by RedArrow (Post 9656)
New facts about old plugs: 3 of 6 were unresponsive=totally dead. Strangely it could still be started.

Started with only 3 good GPs in this cold weather? I'd say that means you have excellent compression, always a good thing for an IDI diesel engine!

RedArrow 03-21-2015 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by v8volvo (Post 9664)
Great that that was the fix! About the right lifespan for plugs, so good thing that you went for it and changed them. Sounds like it is back to 100%!

Yes Sir, :0) I`m happy with the results!It starts perfectly now (*as always did).
Please comment on antiseize.


Originally Posted by ngoma (Post 9665)
Started with only 3 good GPs in this cold weather? I'd say that means you have excellent compression, always a good thing for an IDI diesel engine!

Yeaah,after removal, all were tested 1 by 1 on battery+ also with a trustful device just to see how it was possible at all. I`m amazed car managed to start with 3 of 6 being 100% dead.
My YT video (sounds only) shows how badly it started by long crankings. (Subzero temps circa -4,-7C) I believe the link is working now.I changed the title to `Glow baby,glow!` on www.youtube.com.

For speculation,I wish I knew which ones went out (Cyl #) but I achieved making a complete `mess` while doing it so we can`t have such info. (#6 was one of the good ones & I`m guessing on #5 #2 too.
I do hope you are right. I`m planning on testing the compression (great to know things) but i`m afraid that my `to-do`, `must-do`, `should-do` lists are all too long so the next possible best time for it is when I finally hike up to beautiful Maine to pay respect and enjoy Tom`s pro pump service.

745 TurboGreasel 03-22-2015 11:31 AM

Next time do yourself a favor and get the gearwrench type ratcheting box wrenches for both the nuts and the plugs, makes the back two so much easier.
I also clip the end of my bus bar so I can slip it on and off the end plug with only a turn or so of the nut.

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